Cámara de Comercio

Covid 2020 Strategy Chamber of Commerce of Bucaramanga


The global health alert made us live in unexpected situations, transformed the reality of our homes, our way of connecting, and forced us to surprisingly change the operation of what we love so much and for which we have fought so hard: our businesses. The Bucaramanga Chamber of Commerce, attentive to what was happening, accepted the challenge of encouraging the optimism of Santander businessmen as a fundamental tool to initiate the regional economic recovery, further promoting the renewal of commercial license plates.



We traveled to our roots, we lived our history again and found in our hymn a phrase that motivated us and made us understand why we are boars: “Santandereanos, always forward! Santandereanos, not a step back! ”, Starting from this short and beautiful phrase that describes the deepest part of our being, we created the advertising campaign“ VAMOS CON TODA ”, which was composed with messages of strength, bravado and strength , which motivated all the inhabitants of our department to fight to safeguard what is ours.



The incredible happened! The Bucaramanga Chamber of Commerce had set a goal with the Covid-19 anomaly, of 70% renewals compared to the previous year and after the implementation of a campaign full of emotion, love and great dedication, we achieved 85% of renewals compared to 2019, that is, 15% more than what was proposed.

We went all out and achieved beyond expectations.


  • Category: Campaign, Digital marketing
  • Client: Cámara de Comercio de Bucaramanga - CCB
  • Product: Comprehensive Advertising Campaign
  • Reference: Let's go with all
  • Category: Cámara de Comercio
  • Published: November 6, 2020