As a consequence of the pandemic generated by COVID-19, for the first time in 18 years the Bucaramanga Ulibro Book Fair was held completely in digital environments. Thus, the main challenge was to establish a strategy and execute it in such a way that all the edges were covered in order to achieve, not only that the pandemic was not an impediment to carry out the literary, artistic and cultural meeting this year, but to demonstrate UNAB’s capacity for innovation in digital environments.



From the digital point of view, we established a series of stages before, during and after the fair, each one with an implicit communication objective, with messages and information of interest that could connect us to our public not only so that they were listeners or participants. of the event, but also could achieve real-time communication with both exhibitors, writers and participants. Each stage had execution times with tasks that also met specific objectives. All this synchronized in an almost perfect work between the human teams of both the agency and the Unab.



We position the Bucaramanga Book Fair, Ulibro, as a new digital alternative to enjoy literary and cultural content. An increase of 5,389 followers was achieved on social networks (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) which became an active, constant and effective channel of communication with the spectators and promoters of the Fair, reaching a total of 1’123,882 people on Facebook and Instagram, accounts from which the live broadcasts were made. Interaction with users reached a total figure of 64,404. Positive comments were always registered regarding the Fair, as well as its contents. The Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, Unab, obtained positive recognition on social networks, standing out as an institution that promotes reading and literature, not only in Santander, but also at the national level. This year, thanks to the virtuality of the Fair and the management carried out from social networks, spectators from the United States, Mexico, Spain, Australia, Argentina and France were able to join the different Ulibro events.



  • Category: Campaign
  • client: Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga - UNAB.
  • Product: Book Fair - Ulibro.
  • Reference: ULIBRO VIRTUAL 2020 launch.
  • Category: Educational institutions.
  • Published: January 8, 2021