As they say, at the house of a blacksmith with a stick hoe, we finally had time to dedicate ourselves to our new website, much cleaner, with more detailed information and above all based on the new trend of RESPONSIVE DESIGN that allows our site to adapt to different mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad and Android, thus, whenever you visit us we will have the best of pints.
We work a lot and we have many projects, however what we want is to make known a little more where they were born, how the process was, what objective was pursued and most importantly what was achieved, thus we reduce the number of projects (not for lack of of them) but because we want to be more specific in our work methodology, a methodology that we implement in each and every one of our clients.
Technology at the web development level is advancing by leaps and bounds, every day some new device comes to change our digital world, Mark can get up to change his platform or Tim (Steve’s successor) can say that the latest trend is anyone, we must always be prepared for this and that is why we decided to set up our website with this important trend. Basically the idea is that if you enter from your iPhone the site adapts to the device and you can see all the information as it deserves, ordered, optimized and designed to make it look good.
Likewise, we are going to re-enable our blog, where we are going to frequently publish articles about the magical world of advertising, we want this to be a space for you to learn more about what we do every day, what are the trends and what things novelty there are in this creative world. We promise that we will update it at least once a week …
As everyone knows, the famous SOPA law brought many changes, for us very negative, but hey, one of the first sacrificed with this new law was our station, which was closed, not the station, the platform on which we broadcast, but the damage Collateral was done, we are going to continue investigating to be able to go on the air again and enable this space for creative spreading that brought us such pleasant results.
Finally, I invite you to visit us … Clichetudo but to the good … Turn around here from time to time, we are going to try to do new and impressive things to make your visit a pleasant experience.
MAY 18, 2012