Corel is the underground boy who never reinvented himself, never changed pants, always styled his hair the same, and although we do not doubt his great capabilities, the designers who work under the wake of this new era full of millennials, YouTube celebrities and Netflix soap operas; we hate precisely that, the little group of: “they don’t surprise us with anything new.”
From my point of view, if I become a critic and analyst of the pod, that baseless “hatred” that I suddenly feel for poor Corel, is something like that, like a scratch for that person who since school always disliked me But I never knew why I only looked at him badly, suddenly I did not share my tasks with him, I did not know when there was evaluation, always with the expectant desire for him to fail. He does not give him a gift or sip of the guava juice that my grandmother packed me for recess, all this simply because I liked him, but I go back and say, I was never interested in knowing why.
In the same way I feel my relationship, like the vast majority of designers, with the marginalized program. From the university school, the professors behaved towards him, like the Füher speaking of the Jews in the battlefield, they told one that: “Over there in a remote space of the design software, there was a little program that exported files in .cdr whose name I don’t want to remember ”. They gave a couple of lessons in the second semester, while one memorized 3 or 4 commands that at the beginning of the next study season, one would forget with the face-to-face presentation of the series of programs that one was going to be given to pay for the receipts for the apartment for the long-awaited and joyful independence, La Suite Adobe. I began my cold relationship by meeting the all-encompassing boy from the package, “Illustrator”; With him, I learned to do what I had already learned in Corel, but my feeling with the new one was much more enjoyable. The following semester, I met the combo reader, Mrs. “Indesing”, who, no matter how much fashionista blogger she may have, is for me the most squared out of the entire suite. Everything was finished off by one with him papichulo de la gallada, Photoshop. This was the messiah that had been heard of since I had made the decision to get into this tale of design.
So consecutively, the university taught you that you could do many of the things you would need in your professional life, with all the extensions and programs in the suite, with LimeWire and Premier being my least favorite. Until in the seventh semester I asked myself: What happened to Corel? The bellboy who had received me at the beginning of my degree, the same one that I had never heard of again and about which I was possibly unaware of the command to “Save file”, had gone untouched throughout the rest of my university career. ; situation to which I did not give more importance back then.
Then, facing real life, with the world of work, free from the grades that went up to the school system; one is left standing in front of life and one is left free so that maturity explodes head-on against personal existence and the little bit of ego that one had managed to build, among the least worst of the design classes.
Now, jobs that one would have developed in the course of the academy, were judged during working hours, without the opportunity to amend the grade, this time, the critics were no longer the teachers, if not, the one who throughout this contract here present, from now on he will be called “The Employer”. An employer who, without criteria, was on a par with what in college represented a 2.5, in real life it would translate into “don’t call us, we’ll call you”, and that is where the average designer’s struggle barely began. Sunk in this city of ants and big ass women, for surviving in the job market. Some get used to it, some die trying, others are so good at designing that they end up marrying, with children and being housewives; whether the path they have taken is uncertain and paradoxical, in none of the routes did you hear about Corel for a long time.
One day, just as Netflix revived Ugly Betty, active designers, barely pigeons of the word millenianls, took Corel out of the land of oblivion, plowed the blue land of social networks and sowed a dispute, in force until the day of today which is better? Corel or illustrator? Which one can you design better with? Which one do real designers wear? hey fag, do you really design in Corel? And all this led us to think again and to remember the one that we had seen over there in the first semesters and that we had not heard again. He looked like that rebellious son, the one who had left home in search of a better future, but who had returned more alone and unemployed than Vicky Dávila after dismantling the Fellowship of the Ring. The rebellious and forgotten child of the class had reappeared, and this time, with flag in hand declaring war on Illustrator. Clearly, as in any war, the representatives have their loyal followers who defend today, the skills and tools of each program. That corel is faster! That with illustrator you really design! What a streamlined my process! Which illustrator is easier! That corel is for a mere lithography designer! Illustrator and say no more! But with corel the colors are more faithful to printing! If you know how to design, design in Illustrator !, but good or bad, if you are bad and denied for design, be it in Corel or in.
A, at the time of exporting, your poster, your flayer or the logo for the premium company that you are beginning to undertake; These will be conspicuous by the lack of concept that you put into your work. Neither the good ones know it all, nor the one who is bad is bad for pleasure; Both are victims of the immediacy of what they consume, it is not that because you work in Illustrator your designs are going to be the same, nor because you export them in .cdr then the lithographer is not going to make a problem when putting the queue your job for printing. The war between these two is as unnecessary as the increase in the price of cigarettes for 2017, as distorted and accommodated as “the word of God” and as unlikely to stop, as those smeared with corruption in the Uribe government. What I do believe and by way of a reflection like “The man is alive” for every day, is how good I can be or what I am capable of doing to contribute to design and communication, from the tool that I know how to handle; No matter what I dream or imagine, I export it in .ai or .cdr extension.
APRIL 4, 2017