Whoever hits first hits four times

Whoever hits first hits four times
01 Jun 2018 / by editor1 in News

We competed for the first time in the WINA with the best independent agencies from America, Europe, Asia and Africa and won in 4 categories.

In this version of the WINA the juries in charge of choosing the winning works were from countries such as Japan, the United States, Mexico, Israel, Bolivia, Brazil, Portugal, Colombia, Spain, Costa Rica, Guatemala, the United Kingdom, Ecuador, Argentina, Germany, China, Russia, Hungary, Peru, Paraguay, Australia, Romania, Uruguay, South Africa and South Korea.

This news comes at one of the most important moments of the agency and opens the way to our new philosophy “Think well to do better”, where thinking strategically and executing effectively helps us to act and solve communication problems, but it is essential to stop to evaluate, reevaluate, learn and unlearn giving way to disruptive thinking, we are convinced that time is more valuable in ideation, so that the execution is forceful and successful. Today at home we add 21 internationally awarded ideas, ideas well thought out, planned and executed.

It should be noted that it is very significant to see how our work in digital marketing and advertising communication makes us stronger and stronger. We are very happy because it was a joint effort with the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, UNAB. We deeply thank the marketing department, José, Abelardo, Carlos, all PVS, thanks to Memo, los Pachos, Neydy, Clau, Hunter, Yer, Maye, Andrés Manrique, Jorge, Miguel, Stefi, Yanaki, Stiward, Felipe , Ángery, Iván, Harold, Silvia, Andrés Londoño, Paula, Martica, Socorro, Pao, Emmanuel, Ángela, Angie, Alejandra, for all the support and commitment as always.

JUNE 1, 2018