Shining Heads

Shining Heads
17 Dec 2018 / by editor1 in News

More and more people are adding to a position of change of mentality towards a more friendly treatment with our ecosystem, there is talk of recycling and in many corners of the planet the task is done, waste is separated and used. It has also been implementing the change of plastic bag in purchases for a cloth one, in order to reduce the impact caused by this oil derivative. The struggle continues until it touches the hearts of those who refuse to seek solutions, being the main responsible for the agonizing state of our planet. I speak explicitly of the United States, a country responsible for 25% of the CO2 emissions that are generated worldwide, which its leaders have continuously supported the efforts that have been tried to be carried out by the other world powers.

The first slap would be given by former President George W Bush; who in 2001 refused to support the Kyoto protocol, claiming that it was not in the interests of Americans. I don’t have the IQ to understand that something like this could be profitable, but I do have enough to understand between the lines that what Bush meant is that it was not profitable for American industries.

16 years later, as if it were a deja vu, the United States once again rejects a great opportunity to give the environment a break, this time by refusing to participate in the paris agreement, citing the same reasons as years ago by whoever was there. position, but at present these statements would have the same cynicism said by someone with a different body and with a “bright head” that shines only when the toupee comes off.


Learn how this revolutionary idea was born by clicking here—> Think Outside The Bag

DECEMBER 17, 2018