Think well to live better

Think well to live better
14 Dec 2018 / by editor1 in News

With this slogan we work day by day because we are clear that a well-thought-out task leaves traces on the road and if we know how to mark the road it will become a route for those who follow in our footsteps.

We are called to care for the world we live in for many simple reasons; One of them is that it is the only place where there is beer and the truth without beer is difficult to refresh the soul to think well, if we do not think well, we do not do better, that is why I am writing this article accompanied by a rich and frothy ice cream that gives the confidence to invite them to shout: THINK OUTSIDE THE BAG, thinking outside the bag is an initiative with which we will revolutionize the system and give our planet a break.

You ask yourself, how can we make it possible? Achieving it is very easy, turn on your light bulb of conscience and start to leave the bad habits that inadvertently damage our ecosystem. Start by turning off the lights in your room when you are not inside, unplug the electrical appliances when you are not using them, use your clothes without ironing when it is not necessary, close the refrigerator well when you take something out or put something in and delete the e-mails that already do not serve you. Connect this message to everyone you know and collectively implement these small actions so that together we can make our mother nature smile and get drunk with the satisfaction of our duty. Health!


Learn how this revolutionary idea was born by clicking here —> Think Outside The Bag 

DECEMBER 14, 2018